
Here we've provided a glossary of terms that we use on our site.





Cable systems are the galvanized steel cables that envelope the outer of an air structure. There are three types of cable systems: low bias, full cable grid and radial cable.

Anchorage systems refer to how the structure is anchored into the concrete foundation into a grade beam. There are three common types of anchorage systems: aluminum extrusion channel, steel angle and catenary.

Egress refers to the entry & exit points throughout the air structure.  Three most common types: airtight revolving doors,  emergency exit doors and airlock vehicle Systems.


Recommended Maintenance

Storage Protocol

Fabric Survey

System Inspection

Follow the recommended seasonal storage protocol, if applicable.

Inspection of fabric by licensed engineer biennially.

Annual inspection of cable and anchorage systems including main blower and backup units.



Business Personal Property

Business Income

The building is the air structure itself including completed additions, fixtures, and permanently installed machinery or equipment (Air Structure inflation mechanisms).  Any brick-and-mortar structure adjacent to or inside the air structure would be considered a separate structure and should be insured separately from the air structure. However, permanently installed lighting shall be contemplated here.

Business Personal Property is property located in or on the air structure, or in the open within 100 feet of the air structure (including in vehicles) including furniture or fixtures, machinery or equipment, netting, movable lighting fixtures, all other personal property owned by and used in your business.

Business Income is net Income (net profit or loss before income taxes) that would have been earned or incurred; and continuing normal operating expenses incurred, including payroll for the actual loss of Business Income you sustain due to the necessary "suspension" of your "operations" during the "period of restoration".

Extra Expense


Extra Expense is the necessary expense you incur during the "period of restoration" that you would not have incurred if there had been no direct physical loss or damage to property caused by or resulting from a covered cause of loss.

Coinsurance establishes that the insurer will not pay the full amount of any covered loss unless the insured has purchased a limit of insurance that is equal to or greater than a specified percentage (typically 80 or 90 percent) of the full value of the covered property.

Property Valuation

Replacement Cost

Actual Cash Value

There are two primary valuations: replacement cost and actual cash value.

The amount of insurance for each item to be insured that is equals the cost to replace the damaged property with materials of like kind and quality, without any deduction for depreciation

The amount of insurance for each item to be insured that is often calculated in two ways: 1)  cost to repair or replace the damaged property, minus depreciation; or 2) the damaged property's "fair market value".